What is areeb ?

Qareeb is an innovative startup based in Algiers and France, specialized in Artificial Intelligence, Edge Computing, Embedded Systems and internet of things. Qareeb was founded in 2023 with the aim of making AI closer to the user using edge computing technology, with a young team and a versatile set of technologies and skill-sets, and will help integrate AI in all domains with its Edge Computing products like Q-Vision, Q-Farming, and Q-Access.

Smart Monitoring

Our computer programs analyze project information to spot trends and predict problems, so you can make smart decisions fast.

Works with Your Tools

Qareeb fits right into the tools you already use, so you can keep doing your job without any extra hassle.

Works for Any Size Project

No matter if your project is small or huge, Qareeb can help you manage it better.

Why Choose areeb ?

Instant Insights:

Our AI-powered analytics and edge computing solutions deliver real-time data analysis, helping you stay ahead of potential problems and make data-driven decisions quickly.

Seamless Integration:

Qareeb's tools are designed to fit right into your existing workflow, minimizing disruption and allowing you to continue your work with ease. Our solutions are compatible with a wide range of systems and platforms.


Whether you're managing a small project or overseeing large-scale operations, Qareeb provides scalable solutions that grow with your needs. Our technology is adaptable to projects of any size, ensuring you have the support you need at every stage.

Our Approach

At Qareeb, we combine industry expertise with advanced AI technology to deliver customized solutions for your project management needs. Here’s how we do it:

AI-Powered Analytics: Our cutting-edge AI tools analyze project data to identify trends and predict potential issues, providing you with actionable insights to enhance your decision-making process.

Advanced Surveillance and IoT Integration:Utilizing advanced surveillance cameras and IoT devices, we offer real-time monitoring and data collection, ensuring you have a comprehensive view of your project's progress.

Cloud and Edge Computing: Our cloud services and edge computing products provide powerful and efficient data processing capabilities, enabling faster and more effective project management.

Data Visualization: We turn complex data into easy-to-understand visual insights, helping you to quickly grasp important information and make informed decisions.